스마트 모빌리티
driving simulator
드라이빙 시뮬레이터
드라이빙 시뮬레이터는
- 안전운전연습,
- 운전자와 차량, 도로와의 연관성 조사
- 운전자의 운전 집중도 연구
- 차량개발시의 라이드 핸들링 특성 연구
- 다양한 섀시 제어 기술 연구
- ADAS(Advanced Driver Assistance System) 및 자율주행 기술 연구
에 활용될 수 있는 장비이며, 사용 목적에 따라 다양한 형식과 사양으로 개발되어 사용되어 오고 있습니다.


- Real Car Driver Seat, Steering Wheel, Multi-function Switch(light & wiper)
- Real Car Transmission Shift Lever, Parking Brake Lever, 10” LCD Main Instrument Panel,
8” Additional Touch Monitor for Customization or Status Monitoring. - Cockpit Controller for 10” & 8” Monitor Included.
- Customized Exterior Design
- 4.1 Channel Surround Audio System
- L: 1,800mm, W: 790mm, H: 1,050mm
AC 100V~220V, 800W - Main Controller with GTX1080 Level Graphic Card (17 Processor)
- Dr.SIM Interface Plugin
- Controllable Caster for Easy Moving and Installation
- All Specification of Dr.SIM/CAR-OX
- Stage 1 + Stage 2 : Motion Platform 4 – Vertical Actuators (Linear Motion, Ball Screw Gear)
- Actuator Type :
- Motion : Roll [+10deg, 20deg/s,200deg/s2] /
Pitch [+6deg, 20deg/s,200deg/s2] /
Heave [+70mm, 0.4m/s, 4m/s2]
- Possible to Generate Indirect 6 DOF Motion Feeling
- L : 1,800mm, W: 790mm, H: 1,250mm
AC 110V ~ 220V, Max 3kW - Motion Controller for 4 actuators is Included.
- Controllable Caster for Easy Moving and Installation
- All Specification of Dr.SIM/CAR-4X
- Stage 1 + Stage 2 + Stage 3: Motion Plaform 2 – Horizontal Actuators
(Linear and Rotating Motion, Rack/Pinion and Worm Gear) - 1-Rotational & 1 – Translational Actuators
- Actuator Type: AC Servo Motor [1kW]
- Motion: Serge [+150mm, 0.4m/s, 4m/s2),
Yaw [+30deg~100deg, 45deg/s, 100 deg/s2] - Possible to Generate direct 6 DOF Motion Feeling
- L: 1,800mm, W: 790mm, H: 1,400mm (Whole Simulator)
- AC 110V 220V, 5kW

3-32” Monitors
(Installed and Fixed on the Dr.SIM)

(Oculus & Vive)

3-46” Monitor
(Seperated Display with Monitor Stand)

Dome Screen Type
(Order based)
Driver Operating Device

Game Controller

- Generation of Steering Feedback Torque Feeling
- Self Driving Function (Autonomous Driving : Displacement and Torque Control)
- Real Multi-function Switch (Wifer & Light Control)
- Various Communication Protocol: Serial, CAN, UDP
(Both IN and OUT)

Exterior Design of Dr.SIM/CAR can be
designed by Customer’s Need
2.1 ch or 4.1 ch
Electric Power

Dr.SIM/CAR 기타 제품들

( 수동변속 교육시뮬레이터 )

( 미니 드라이빙 시뮬레이터 )

( 미니 드라이빙 시뮬레이터 )